Iselin (kristiansen, fritt oversatt av R-AH)
You’re a sight
You don’t skimp on the chocolates
Wasted so much time
Capabale of getting
Yours and mine done
It comes as the
Most natural thing
What you do is what you
Make of it
Only you want
Your pulse is the beat
Of Dancing Queen
Talks more than the broadcasters
Made me deaf on one ear
Given me as much respons as a piece of furniture
It comes as the
Most natural thing
What you do is what you
Make of it
With your smile
onsdag, april 26, 2006
opplegg #176
Eg og Frode har starta et band som søng dum dum boys på engelsk. oversetteleses prosessen e no igang og første sang e ferdig.
Tyven tyven (kristiansen/karlsen, fritt oversatt av R-AH)
Ask nobody no one
Whistles in the steel in the schyte
Tears the sky open
No one is safe on the field
Cuts the fall without doze
Without rest: blind & mute
Soon there then here as lightning
Steals your eyestone
The thief the thief
The fine that fines doesn’t exist
Hearts gone to bits and pieces
A pardon saves no one
Slays down every last one
The thief the thief
We’re all the same before the schyte
If he had a soul it was a crows
Robs the ones that shines the most
The thief the thief stole the eyestone
Lurkes in the shaddow
We are the only ones left
The thief the thief took what he found
We’ve hidden everything
Will never be forgotten
Tyven tyven (kristiansen/karlsen, fritt oversatt av R-AH)
Ask nobody no one
Whistles in the steel in the schyte
Tears the sky open
No one is safe on the field
Cuts the fall without doze
Without rest: blind & mute
Soon there then here as lightning
Steals your eyestone
The thief the thief
The fine that fines doesn’t exist
Hearts gone to bits and pieces
A pardon saves no one
Slays down every last one
The thief the thief
We’re all the same before the schyte
If he had a soul it was a crows
Robs the ones that shines the most
The thief the thief stole the eyestone
Lurkes in the shaddow
We are the only ones left
The thief the thief took what he found
We’ve hidden everything
Will never be forgotten
søndag, april 23, 2006
kan no driv litt reklame for de andre eg bor lammi kanskje:
daniel har veldig mye fine bilda
daniel har veldig mye fine bilda
fredag, april 21, 2006
Duck Hunt
fant gode gamle duck hunt. hvis det e nån som kjed seg så går det an å bruk nån tima på det her!!
fant gode gamle duck hunt. hvis det e nån som kjed seg så går det an å bruk nån tima på det her!!
mandag, april 17, 2006
søndag, april 16, 2006
søndag, april 09, 2006
Godt sovehjerte
lørdag, april 08, 2006
a day in the life
mens eg no satt å kjeda meg så sku eg no finn teksten tel en av de beste beatles sangan "a day in the life".
blei litt overraska over at lindsay lohan også hadd laga en sang som heita det samme.
A Day in the Life
I read the news today oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph.
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure
If he was from the House of Lords.
I saw a film today oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
but I just had to look
Having read the book.
I'd love to turn you on
Woke up, fell out of bed,
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I read the news today oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.
I'd love to turn you on.
A day in the life - lindsay lohan
Today is,
So boring, I might as well be snoring,
Because I'm living a bad dream,
Cause I'll be, With no react,
Somewho i've run right off track,
So insane, of the mundane,
It makes me wanna scream,
It's a day in life, it'a a link in tha chain,
Beginning the end, they both look the same, round and round,
No new ground, it's a day life, and were down to the game,
Winning or losing, there nothing to gane, round and round,
No new ground,
It's the day in the life,
It's just so, simplistic,
Trying to be optimistic,
That part of me won't give up hope,
Well it my own,
That always leads to nothing,
But it seems,
It's the only way,
The only way to go,
[Chorus 1x]
Cause nothing ever changes anymore,
It makes me wonder what tomorrow for,
[Chorus 1x]
Oh oh oh, Oh Oh Oh
på den andre sia e jo ho lindsay lohan veldig mye finer å se på enn andre...


blei litt overraska over at lindsay lohan også hadd laga en sang som heita det samme.
A Day in the Life
I read the news today oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph.
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure
If he was from the House of Lords.
I saw a film today oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
but I just had to look
Having read the book.
I'd love to turn you on
Woke up, fell out of bed,
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I read the news today oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.
I'd love to turn you on.
A day in the life - lindsay lohan
Today is,
So boring, I might as well be snoring,
Because I'm living a bad dream,
Cause I'll be, With no react,
Somewho i've run right off track,
So insane, of the mundane,
It makes me wanna scream,
It's a day in life, it'a a link in tha chain,
Beginning the end, they both look the same, round and round,
No new ground, it's a day life, and were down to the game,
Winning or losing, there nothing to gane, round and round,
No new ground,
It's the day in the life,
It's just so, simplistic,
Trying to be optimistic,
That part of me won't give up hope,
Well it my own,
That always leads to nothing,
But it seems,
It's the only way,
The only way to go,
[Chorus 1x]
Cause nothing ever changes anymore,
It makes me wonder what tomorrow for,
[Chorus 1x]
Oh oh oh, Oh Oh Oh
på den andre sia e jo ho lindsay lohan veldig mye finer å se på enn andre...



søndag, april 02, 2006
lørdag, april 01, 2006
jau jau... hvit lørdag... det skjer no bare ofter og ofter...
igår, fredag, feira vi frode sin 25-årsdag nån daga på etterskudd. for anledninga va det no ryddig og fint heime og baren åpna og i 20-tida.
det så no litt stygt ut ei stund, og vi trudd kanskje det va en for tidlig 1.april spøk når folk hadd sagt de sku kom. men etter at idol va ferdig kom det no til slutt en god del folk, selv om ingen villa innrøm å ha sett på idol.
geir-ove, som gikk under kallenavnet klikke-geir, selgt seg no tidlig, og blei no tel slutt observert klinanes i gangen... trur det va klikke-geir navnet som va utslagsgivanes. no går han under navnet kline-geir, eller klin-men-ikke-nå-meir-geir
de fleste for no tel byen, men eg, frode, ingeborg og line velgt å hold oss heime, av forskjellige årsaka. det va no ihvertfall økonomisk fornuftig.
etterhvert blei no eg trøtt og tok kvelden
igår, fredag, feira vi frode sin 25-årsdag nån daga på etterskudd. for anledninga va det no ryddig og fint heime og baren åpna og i 20-tida.
det så no litt stygt ut ei stund, og vi trudd kanskje det va en for tidlig 1.april spøk når folk hadd sagt de sku kom. men etter at idol va ferdig kom det no til slutt en god del folk, selv om ingen villa innrøm å ha sett på idol.
geir-ove, som gikk under kallenavnet klikke-geir, selgt seg no tidlig, og blei no tel slutt observert klinanes i gangen... trur det va klikke-geir navnet som va utslagsgivanes. no går han under navnet kline-geir, eller klin-men-ikke-nå-meir-geir
de fleste for no tel byen, men eg, frode, ingeborg og line velgt å hold oss heime, av forskjellige årsaka. det va no ihvertfall økonomisk fornuftig.
etterhvert blei no eg trøtt og tok kvelden
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